Registration and Admission Procedure

St. Peter’s Catholic Kindergarten


Registration Instructions

Registration and Admission Procedure


Instructions for the distribution of the registration form


St. Peter’s Kindergarten will distribute the enrollment form for the September 2024-2025 School year starting on 1st October, 2024(Tuesday)


Distribution Date : From 1st October, 2024(Tuesday) during office hours:

 - 9:00am to12:00pm or 1:30pm to 5:00pm (Every Monday to Friday)

 - 9:00am to12:00pm(Saturday)


Distribution Location : St. Peter’s Kindergarten or download from the school website (see below)

Download: Application form(word)               Application form(pdf)


Submission Date on or before 20th November, 2024 (Wednesday) during office hours:

 - 9:00am to12:00pm or 1:30pm to 5:00pm (Every Monday to Friday)

 - 9:00am to12:00pm(Saturday)

Registration fee: HK$40

àAll children born before 31st December,2022 can apply for K1 class starting September, 2025


àWhen submitting the form, please bring the following documents:


1.Student Birth Certificate (please bring original and a copy for verification)


2.Hong Kong Identity Card(please bring original and a copy for verification)


3.A Valid Residence Certificate (please bring original and a copy for verification)


4.Copy of Baptismal Certificate (please bring the original for verification - if any)


5.Copy of Immunization Record (please bring the original for verification - if any)


6.Two recent photos


7.Five return addressed envelopes with $2.2 stamp (white rectangle about 9”x4”)


Admission Criteria

Interview performance of the applicant.
- Enrollment in a nearby school .
- The applicant’s sibling(s) currently studying in this kindergarten will be given priority consideration.
- The applicant’s sibling(s) graduated in this kindergarten will be given priority consideration.

- Same religious affiliation as the sponsoring body which operates the primary school will be given priority consideration.
- The applicant from families in need will be given due priority consideration when applying for whole day classes.
(As the number of school places is limited, please understand that not all applicants
fulfilling the priority consideration will be guaranteed a school place.)


Interview Arrangements

Date of Interview: 23th November , 2024

Interview Date and Time: A Separate notice of interview will be given upon to the applicant submission of the form.

The kindergarten will arrange interview for all applicants. Individual interviews will be arranged. One parent should accompany their child for theinterview.
Please contact us at 2553 7823 if translation service is needed.(For NCS children)

We will inform parents of the K1 admission results on 27 to 29 November 2024 by post.


Registration Arrangements

Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from  2 to 4 January 2025(“Centralised Registration Dates”) bysubmitting the original of the “ RC” to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee.
Applicants on the waiting list: We will inform parents on 7 January 2025 by phone. Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child from 9 to 11 January 2025. Parents are required to submit the original of the “2025/26 RC” to the kindergarten and pay the registration fee. Applicants who does not receive notification means we do not have school place left for the child.
*Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the RC / AP during registration, the KG may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents arerequired to submit application for the registration document to the EDB within thespecified period.


Application for the「Kindergarten Admission Registration Certificate」

1. Under the kindergarten (KG) education scheme (hereafter referred to as “Scheme”), each child who can receive education in Hong Kong will only be issued one registration document and all Scheme-KGs can only admit children holding a valid
registration document.
2. Parents are required to submit an application for the Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission (hereafter referred to as “RC”) to the EDB from September to November 2024. The RC will be open for applications in September 2024 and the EDB will announce and upload the details of application onto the EDB’s website ( in due course. Upon receipt of the applications with all necessary information and documents provided, the EDB will generally take six to eight weeks to complete processing of the applications and issue the RC to applicants who are eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme by post. If a child cannot obtain an RC as he/she can receive education in Hong Kong but is not eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme, the EDB will then issue a Kindergarten Admission Pass (hereafter referred to as “AP”) to the child concerned for registration and admission to a Scheme-KG but the parents concerned are required to pay full school fees before deduction of subsidy under the Scheme as shown on the Fees Certificate of the KG to which the child is admitted.




School Address: No 3 ,G/F , Pik Fai House, Shek Pai Wan Estate, Aberdeen

Phone: 2553 7823

Fax: 2873 3283

Website :


EDB website: