Primary School Connection

-Invite the principals of the primary school of the parish to attend and participate in the closing ceremony, uniform team oath, talent performance and other activities.

-Arrange K3 students to participate in classes in primary schools, which are taught by primary school teachers, so that children can have a preliminary understanding of the environment of primary schools.

-Invite primary school principals to explain to the parents about the application arrangements for primary school selection and allocation.

-Arrangement for parents and students to visit the primary schools, and get a preliminary understanding of the learning environment and curriculum of the primary schools.

-Communicate between teachers in Primary Schools and Kindergartens, such as; watching each other's lesson, meeting about children's bridging course, and understanding each other's curriculum.

-The affiliated Primary School holds classes for K2 and K3 students every year to explore the world and inspire the potential of children.

-Co-Hosted a Carnival for children with the affiliated Primary School.